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Wind chill is a measure of how cold people and animals will feel based on heat loss. In cold and windy weather conditions, the skin loses heat more quickly than if the wind were not blowing. The colder it is and the faster the wind, the more cold one feels. As a result, the wind can make it feel much colder than it really is. This is called wind chill or apparent temperature.

There are a couple misconceptions about wind chill. The first is humidity does not noticeably affect a wind chill reading. In fact, in the newest formula used by the National Weather Service, the humidity reading was left out. The second myth is inanimate objects such as metal, wood and plastics experience wind chill just like we humans do. This isn’t true. The only affect a cold wind has on these objects is that they cool off faster than had there been no wind, but they will not cool below the actual outside temperature. So as an example, if it’s -5°F outside with a -25°F wind chill, the metal on your car will only cool to -5°F. It will not get any colder no matter how fast the wind blows.

For us humans and animals, the wind chill can greatly decrease the time for which frostbite and hypothermia kick in. If your skin happens to be damp or worse yet wet, the times decrease much more quickly. This is why it is extremely important not to overexert yourself and sweat when it is very cold outside and you don’t want to run around excessively trying to stay warm. The sweat on your skin can make you cool off much more quickly and you may find yourself in big trouble. There is no clear cut temperature verse time relationship for frostbite as it varies on many different factors. But in order for one to suffer from frostbite, the temperature must be below 32°F (freezing). That’s because frostbite is what happens when skin freezes, and eventually dies. Strangely, if the temperature is above freezing but the wind chill is below freezing, frostbite can occur. As a general rule, the below values can be followed:

Wind chill of -20°F means frostbite in 30 minutes.
Wind chill of -35°F means frostbite in 10 minutes.
Wind chill of -55°F means frostbite in 5 minutes.
Hypothermia sets in when the core body temperature drops below 95°F and can occur at temperatures much greater than freezing. Wind chill will cause a person to loose body heat at an accelerated rate and as a result, can cause the core body temperature to drop very quickly.


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"Haben ist besser als brauchen."