Hier eine kleine Warnung die aktuell gilt - aber für uns sowohl in 2015 als auch in 2019 zutraf.

Notice Delays
We just wanted to advise that we are seeing an unexpected level of changes in schedules & delays, for shipments from Northern Europe to North America across all carriers, on average we are seeing delays of around two weeks.

We expect the disruption to last well into July, August & September

The main reason for the delays are:
- port congestion - vessels are being delayed from entering the port which has subsequent knock-on effects to the rest of the schedule
- COVID - affecting vessels in Asia and delaying their return to Europe
- Labour shortages
- a shortage of vessels
- overbooking / too much demand on services

Therefore we would advise:
- booking early - book your vessel as early as possible
- plan to be flexible, do you not book flights or accommodation until you know when your cargo will arrive

If you have already booked consider changing your booking to an earlier vessel (if possible) to mitigate any potential delay, if the vehicle was left at the port there would be charges to pay at the destination, but this may well be cheaper than receiving your cargo later than planned.

Please note most vessels are fully booked from Europe and North America around 4 to 5 weeks in advance.

It's important to note that all vessels from Europe to North America are leaving full, and it really is important to make sure you have space confirmed, unfortunately, one of the downsides of this is that once you have booked your vessel, you may find it would be near impossible to change your shipment date as other services will most likely already be fully booked.

Schiffe fahren nach dem Mond, das ganze drum herum musst du am Ende sehr kurzfristig organisieren.

Langzeitreise wie Adrian sagt nur mit B1/B2 antreten, ESTA ist untauglich für das was wir in NA machen. Es KANN gut gehen mit ESTA, solche Storys hört man immer wieder - aber, wenn's Einschlägt musst du NA innert 10 Tagen verlassen, da gibt's dann keine Diskussion mehr.

Die meisten Overlander unterschätzen ausserdem die Grösse von NA gewaltig. Nur ein Beispiel dazu, von Halifax nach Vancouver braucht man 20 Tage - wenn man jeden Tag 500 Kilometer abspult, eine pace die man kaum durchhält und die nebenbei bemerkt auch keinen Sinn macht.

Gruss Ozy

It's your life - make it a happy one!